In 2018 Muslim Aid Distributesstipend to 325 students from different educational institutions across thecountry with the financial assistance from Educational,Charitable and Humanitarian Organization (ECHO)-USA.
Ø University (General) @ BDT 7000 x 50 students
Ø College @ BDT 7000 x 60 students
Ø Medical @ BDT 10,000 x 20 students
Ø Engineering & Technology @ BDT 7000 x 15 students
Ø Agriculture University @ BDT 7000 x 15 students
Ø School @ BDT 5000 x 20 students
Ø Disable students @ BDT 10,000 x 10 students
Ø Diploma Engineering @ BDT 5000 x 15 students
Ø Iffat Ara stipend x 40 students
(DinajpurMedical-20 @ BDT 10,000, Dinajpur Haji Danish University-10 @ BDT 7000,Dinajpur Govt College-10 @ BDT 8000).
Ø Kuripaika school students @ BDT 5000 x 80 students
With the support of ECHO-USAMuslim Aid has been implementing stipend projects, since 2003 based on theyearly financial allocations and instructions. It has already created very goodimpression among the recipients, their family members and the communityincluding local administration and local government bodies. Muslim Aiddistributed stipend amounts once in a year to the selected students fromvarious educational institutions in the country. In selection it covers themeritorious students from poor family background irrespective of religion,gender or other personal identities. It always include persons withdisabilities in priority.
Distribution Ceremony at Rangpur Area
We havesuccessfully completed the distribution with the participation of thegovernment representatives, Ministers, Local government bodies, journalists,professionals, educationists, etc. Along with the students, teachers andparents. In every distribution theparticipants highly appreciated the stipend award initiative by the ECHO-USAand Muslim Aid. They prayed for continuous success and development of these twoorganizations.